Byrån för Glömda Saker

The bureau of Forgotten Things

Fabric maps and track guides that hang inside the Research Station at Lilla Änggården. 

The Forest Guides include the map of Lilla Änggården and the reference guide for tracks and traces. These pieces were screen printed on rough canvas, and then embroidered with details, such as the dotted trails. The guides hang permanently in the Research Station, and are left unfixed so that they can be removed and taken to other sites in the forest. 


These fabric pieces were conceived collaboratively with children. We used the map during workshops to decide the location of the Research Station, and then while building the station, children decided to use the hanging fabric as door flaps. 


The Forest Guides reverse sides are screen printed to reflect the colors and textures of the surrounding forest leaves.

map reverse side
photography by Ivar Brandels
photography by Amelia Dray