Byrån för Glömda Saker

The bureau of Forgotten Things

Making connections between new, designed infrastructure (the research station), and existing infrastructure from children’s play culture (the koja). The Byrå’s 4th mission at Lilla Änggården (4 of 4).

Setting up a rope and pulley was the Byrå’s fourth workshop at Lilla Änggården. This mission served as a way to introduce the group of children to the future site of the Research Station, connecting (literally) the Research Station to the children’s koja on the opposite side of a small cluster of trees. The prop allowed us to explore different configuations of the space and amplify the contributions children had already made there.

The rope and pulley system includes two wooden planks with multiple holes to change the pulley height. The structure communicates its function without it being “functional” in the traditional sense. Setting up the rope and pulley allowed the children to make connections in the space and draw new pathways between places. 

Connecting the Byrå to sites of existing children’s culture (and valuing that pre-existing culture) is a crucial part of this work. 

photography by amelia dray

Photographs from the fourth mission (March)